Lands on the Field, 2008
A project by Eungyung Kim & Shoji Kato, 2008, Fljótsdalur, Iceland
Vinsamlega krifaðu niður það orð sem lýsir best sambandi þínu við landið (staðinn þar sem þú bÿrð, náttúruna, Ísland):
Please write a word that can best describe the relationship of you and the land (place where you live, nature, Iceland):
*We wanted the word "landið, land" to be open in this question, so a few possible associations of the words were mentioned in the parentheses.
Special thanks to the people who gave us the words, the owner of the field, Hjörtur Kjerúlf and the Institute of Gunnar Gunnarsson, who generously made this project possible.
Words on the field:
Mannlegur (human)
Fallegt (beautiful)
Himnaríki (heaven)
Best (best)
Hamingja (happiness)
Kolefni (carbon)
Fegurð (beauty)
Fjallið (mountain)
Ástúð (affection)
Virðing (respect)
Fjöllin (the mountains)
Tryggð (loyalty)
Fegurð (beauty)
Kárahnjúkar (Kárahnjúkar: name of a place )
wild and fantastic
Fegurð og litir (beauty and colors)
Fallegt og gott (beautiful and good)
Skemmtilegt að leika sér á Íslandi (It is fun to play in Iceland)
Skemmtilegt (fun)
Virðing (respect)
Kyrrð, sátt (silence/calmness, reconciliation)
Virðing (respect)
Vinátta (friendship)
Mismunandi (always changing)
Virðing (respect)
Ég er með grænar hendur (I have green hands: I am good at gardening)
Kvöldblíða, lognværa kyssir hvern (evening calmness, still weather kisses you)
Kraftur (power/energy)
Yndislegt (lovely)
Ást (love)
Gott (good)
Vel (good)
Vel (good)
Sátt (reconciliation)
Notalegt (cosy)
Hlýtt (warm)
Mjög náið (very close)
Ást (love)
Nálægð (closeness/nearness)
Friðsemd (peacefulness)
Kyrrð (silence/calmness)
Yndislegt (lovely)
Yndislegt (lovely)
Yndislegt (lovely)
Aðdáun (admiration)
Kyrrð (silence/calmness)
Gaman (fun)
Yndi (loveliness)
Privat (private)
Frábært (amazing)
Hamingja (happiness)
Velliðan (feeling good)